House Rules: How to Decorate for Every Home, Style & Budget

Practice Link Up Page for 31 Days

Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 5.44.49 AMWelcome

This is the place to practice linking up your 31 Days button and permalink. When you link up on October 1st (or September 30th) be sure to link up to a permalink, not simply the front page of your blog–because in a month or a year if someone clicks your button or link, you want them to find your 31 days post, not whatever might be at the top of your blog that day.

What’s A Permalink?

Think of your website url as an address, for me it’s: but the Permalink is the specific address of THIS post which is: The easiest way to get your permalink for your post simply click on the title of your post after you publish it and the permalink will pop into the address bar at the top of your screen. On September 30th, when we all link up, I will not accept links that are not a permalink. If one does get through, it will be deleted. Make sure you do this correctly.

What kind of post should I link to?

This first post that you link up to will be the place people will click every day in the month of October and beyond if they come from Nesting Place, so consider making it a little directory to all of your 31 Days post to come in this series. I combine my first post to my directory like this. Every day after I publish my post I come back to my first directory post and add in the most recent link–which is a pain but it’s nice to see all the posts in one place, especially for anyone who’s just popping in a week or two late (or two months late) to see if they like your topic. You could also link to a category for 31 Days and then when people click it they can be taken directly to the latest post within that category. This is great because they don’t have to click again to read your current post but, you don’t have as much control over how they’ll be introduced to your topic if they are new. The best advice I have is to click around on last year’s link up and see how other people linked, what their permalink was, and what type of post they linked to.

Time to practice. Sometimes the inlinkz linky tool I use will show a little red ‘x’ which allows the user to delete their own link, sometimes you have to contact inlinkz to do that. You don’t need to worry about that today–link up as many times as you want today in this linky to practice so you know exactly what to do next Monday night. Feel free to link wrong and crazy without any worry.


If you see that your button is very blurry it’s probably because your button was created as an image larger than 100 x 100 and then is being compressed into the 100 x 100 size for this linky. My suggestion is to create a 100 x 100 pixel button JUST for this linky, add it at the bottom of your post you will link to so it’s an option when you link to your post.