House Rules: How to Decorate for Every Home, Style & Budget


Well hello!  I’m honored that you want to contact me.

I hate it when people write this but it’s come to the point where my inbox is out of control, I simply cannot answer every email unless I grow 4 more arms and clone myself.  Thank you for understanding and if you are in the arm growing/cloning industry please title your email as :: URGENT.

Here are some tips to get what you are looking for:

1. I LOVE it when you want to share a great project with me {thank you!} this is how I get lots of the leads to the amazing posts featured on the Inspiring Weekend Links posts, feel free to write a quick email (address below) and include a link to one of your projects or something great that you found that you think we would enjoy.  And thanks so much!

2. Looking for decorating advice? Right now I cannot help people one on one. However, I’ve worked for 8 years creating lots of resources for you!

  1. this blog! below I’ll share how to find a specific topic
  2. I wrote a design book! It was #1 in the Interior Design category on Amazon for  most of 2014–available online and in most bookstores!
  3. I created a step by step design course (The Cozy Minimalist) to help you get the style you are after, simply and beautifully. Almost 2000 people have taken the course and their rooms are better for it.

3. Want me to promote you? Wonderful, lets find out if we are a good fit, here’s the info on advertising.  Email our ad manager, Caroline (her email in in the info on advertising link) if you think you would like to pursue advertising at Nesting Place.

4. Looking for a past post? There is a search bar on the sidebar on the home page that looks like the screen shot above–it should help you find what you are looking for and even has photos so you can see what the post is about!!  If you are looking for curtains, try the word “drapes” if you are looking for couch try the word “sofa” because I am weird and don’t use some words.

I do understand, sometimes you just need to email people so here it is::

You can email me at

[email protected]

We do not accept guest posts.

And since we are on the topic of words and emails and such, you should probably read this post where I learned how my emails are too long and I bet yours are too.  AND, before you write another email to ANYONE, not just me, you will want to read and memorize and get a tattoo of this Email Checklist–and also link to it on your own email/contact page and maybe one day we can rid the world of bad emails? or email already plural?