House Rules: How to Decorate for Every Home, Style & Budget

Lampapalooza Party!

Lampapalooza Party!

It’s time for us to share our lighting adventures with each other! I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while. I’ll go first…Remember the chandelier from the yard sale two weeks ago for $25?I grabbed some brick red spray paint and when I...
Quieting the "You Can’t" Chorus

Quieting the "You Can’t" Chorus

This fantastic, motivating and inspiring guest post was submitted by the ever talented Lindsey from Living with Lindsay.My friend Zoë had the cutest new window treatment over her kitchen sink. As I sat there stuffing my face with her delicious Seven Layer Dip, I...
How to Paint Cabinets:: For Imperfectionists

How to Paint Cabinets:: For Imperfectionists

Dream kitchen with painted cabsOne of the things I get asked most often is “can you tell me step by step how to paint my cabinets?” um. I have successfully avoided answering this question here for 18 months. And I’m finally comfortable with sharing...
Bland Wall Solutions

Bland Wall Solutions

Door on the wallOften times I’m on the prowl for some color, texture and interest on my builder beige walls.Plates, architectural pieces, mirrors that reflect something pretty, and layering are all tricks that I use to help warm up bare walls. This is extra...
Best Yard Sale Find

Best Yard Sale Find

Y’all, I’m so excited about this I can hardly stand it! Remember that chandelier that Angela and I {by I, I mean pretty much Angela} found at a yard sale the other day? Remember she paid $20 for it? REMEMBER?Remember how it was haphazardly thrown in the...