House Rules: How to Decorate for Every Home, Style & Budget

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 (this deal is now closed)

To celebrate how about you go ahead and try that earth-friendly laundry detergent you’ve been thinking about?

If you are like me, you’ve tried some of the other Mrs. Meyer’s products, maybe you have a scent you are partial to, maybe you treat yourself with some delicious counter top spray.

But laundry detergent?

That’s not fun or sexy.

And it’s still not.

I’m not gonna lie, laundry will never be sexy.

But it can smell WONDERFUL! For FREE!



This is a quick 24 HOUR DEAL and you can get over $30 worth of yummy scents shipped for free with your $20 purchase to make your laundry experience a little better.

So if you are ready to find out more, here’s what to do:

click here

Click here, follow the instructions, you’ll answer a few quick questions and based on your answers your cart will auto-populate–with both the free items and some other items Grove thinks you would enjoy.

Don’t like something in your cart?

No problem! You can change it all (just don’t remove your freebies)! You can also choose your scents (whenever those apply) so shop around, and pick out some items that your home could use.

Here’s an example of a cart I made up with some of my favorite products (have you seen that pretty glass spray bottle?!) look what you can get for less than $21 (and free shipping too)…

grove laundry

PS, My favorite scents: laundry–basil or rosemary, candles–blood orange.

basil laundry

click here

existing customers

When you sign up with Grove Collaborative, you’ll be automatically enrolled in a monthly shipment of household supplies. You can cancel right away, no questions asked–really the site is so user friendly and hassle free. I would encourage you to stick around and see how wonderful it is to not run out to Target for dish soap and come back having spent $100.

Before any shipment is sent, you’ll receive an email asking you to approve/change/delete anything in your box.

My secret goal in life is to never leave my house, I’ve been using Grove Collaborative for over a year, and I love it!

What’s the catch? I was surprised last time a deal like this came around–people who hadn’t tried it left comments wondering if it was a scam or fake. It does seem to good to be true! There isn’t a catch!! But Grove’s hope is that you’ll be so happy and delighted with their service that you’ll stick around and become a loyal customer. It’s an old-fashioned, lost art way of doing business, and it seems to work, so many of my friends are enjoying Grove!

Here’s a comment that Mary just left about using Grove…



PS, they are super fast shippers–look for your first order to be delivered early next week!


I’m an affiliate for Grove Collaborative, once you join, you can be an affiliate too!