Photo: unknown~if you know where it’s from please tell me so I can give them credit

I have a dream.  And it involves this branchy chandelier.  Think I can make one? I’m thinking I could just wrap some kind of bendy branches around a current chandy.  Any thoughts?

Look, here’s another kind: DIY  How to Tree Branch Chandelier @ Apartment Therapy

And have you seen what Pottery Barn’s been up to?  I’ve been in love with their new focus on nests since the moment I laid eyes on it all but, I happened to stroll through the store the other day~they used mossy sticks to decorate everywhere.  They had them hanging from little ropes over tables and pretend mantles.  Love, I tell you.  I am so infatuated with sticks.  I guess it could be worse, I could be infatuated with gold bars.

I found some of my very own mossy sticks out in the wild this weekend.

I’ve got some sticks piled in this urn, what should I do with my mossy sticks?

Do you decorate with sticks?