I wish I had a robot.

If I had a robot I would have it do my dishes. And laundry. My robot could clean up all of the messes I tend to make everywhere I land. My robot would be doing my taxes. It could read my mind and automatically know everything that we could write off. I would not have piles of paper anywhere because my robot would be completely organized.

If I didn’t know the best way to explain the math problem that makes sense in my head but not when I tell it to my 4th grader, my robot could step in. My robot would plant lots of flowers and vegetables. My robot would hang up all of my clothes. My robot would plan fun field trips and make tassels. My robot would remember to record American Idol.

{here are some tassels I’ll be listing today–hopefully, if I had a robot it would be no problem}

I would let my robot write an occasional post for me, if I was/were/am really busy doing non robotic things. I would even let it leave comments for me. I know that you might need to let your robot leave comments for me too. So I removed the test that you had to take each time you left a comment that weeded out the robots. Welcome robots.

My robot would make salsa for me NOW and get a sitter for us for Friday. It would also put some of these on my walls for me and remind me to tell you to check out my sister’s new blog design. What would your robot do for you? But, my robot will not be watching the Office tonight for me. I’ll handle that on my own.