If you’ve been around here for very long, you probably know that almost 6 years ago Chad and I bought our fixer-upper house on the outskirts of Charlotte, NC. It came with a green metal tractor barn and after we got our kitchen in working order, the old barn was the next thing on the list to get our attention.

We have two main events that we use the barn for, one is our annual Nest Fest every October, the other is MANTIME.

MANTIME is a weekend event where 40ish men from all over the country gather here at our house, eat good food, relax and have deep and not so deep conversations. It’s one of the best things we do out here and this year is the 6th Annual MANTIME hosted by my husband, Chad.

MANTIME is April 4-6, 2019

This year, the guest discussion leader is Roger Thompson, author of We Stood Upon Stars. Chad read his books this past year and knew he’d be perfect for MANTIME.

If your husband, brother, dad, son and or friend needs a weekend away, MANTIME might just be the perfect mix of nature, food, rest, bonfires and banjos –there are no dumb games and no expectations that anyone is an extrovert.

Surprisingly, many of the men attend as a result of their wife (you) reading about the weekend right here at Nesting Place. Most don’t know anyone else before they come, but they trust their wife enough to show up. My advice, grab a copy of Roger’s book (or both books) and give it to your husband along with his ticket to MANTIME.

MANTIME is not a moneymaker for us. Even though we sell tickets, that doesn’t cover the entire cost of food, the folk band, flying in a discussion leader, and all the other costs involved. We pay the extra expenses out of our own pocket every year because that’s how worth it this event is to us. It truly is one of the best things that happens on this property.

Click here to find out more about MANTIME